A Comprehensive Guide to Bipolar Disorder Treatment: Medications, Therapy, and Lifestyle

A Comprehensive Guide to Bipolar Disorder Treatment: Medications, Therapy, and Lifestyle


Bipolar disorder previously known as manic depression is a chronic mood disorder that causes intense changes in mood, energy levels, thinking patterns, and behaviour. This disease is caused due to biological and environmental factors. People suffering from this disease often experience various symptoms including excessive excitement, sudden and severe changes in mood, restlessness, psychosis, and insomnia.  

If you are suffering from this condition you need to book an appointment with the doctor offering bipolar disorder treatment in Siliguri. This is because the symptoms of this disease can be managed effectively with the help of an effective treatment plan which includes psychotherapy (talk therapy), medications, self-management strategies, and lifestyle changes.

The treatment plan for Bipolar disorder includes;


There are several medications which are effective for bipolar disorder. The doctors may prescribe medications depending on your condition. These medications help you to manage mood swings, prevent relapses, and improve the quality of life. Some of the medications include;

Mood stabilizers: Mood stabilizers are a group of medications that are used to treat bipolar disorder and other mental health issues. This helps you to reduce the symptoms of mania which includes changes in emotions, difficulty in sleeping, racing thoughts, and risky behaviours. However, you need to consult with your doctor before taking this medication as there are some possible side effects.

Antipsychotics: Antipsychotics are mainly used to treat psychosis-related conditions. These medications work by changing the chemical reactions of the brain to reduce psychotic symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. But there are certain side-effects of this medication including abnormal movements, constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, weight gain, etc.

Antidepressants: This medication is used to manage the symptoms of depression. Along with this antidepressants can also be used to treat other conditions including bipolar depression, bulimia, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, etc. But this medication may cause manic or hypomanic conditions so the doctor prescribes this medication along with mood stabilizer or antipsychotic medicine.

Anti-anxiety medicines: The doctor may prescribe this medication to treat anxiety and sleep disturbances during bipolar disorder.  However, these medications need to be used on a short-term basis as it leads to negative impacts when taken for a long time.

For medications, you can visit a clinic for the best bipolar disorder treatment in Siliguri. The medications will be prescribed depending on your symptoms and they will reduce your mood swings and prevent manic, and depressive situations.


The therapy is an essential part of the treatment process for bipolar disorder. This is because the therapies can help a patient deal with stress, manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.  Some of the therapies include;   

Talk Therapy: Talk therapy also known as psychotherapy is an essential part of bipolar disorder treatment. This therapy is provided by a healthcare professional who helps to treat mental health issues by talking with a psychologist. During this therapy, you will learn about various issues of mental health and how your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour affect your moods. With this, you can learn how to deal with these challenging situations.

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy: This is an individual therapy where an individual with bipolar disorder keeps a detailed record of activities. With the help of this therapy, you can stabilize your daily routine work including the sleeping, waking, and eating cycle. This way your doctor will identify the actual problem and discuss necessary solutions to manage the conditions and prevent it from emerging in future.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): This therapy is a goal-oriented psychotherapy which helps the patient to manage their problems by changing how they think and behave. This therapy helps the doctor to figure out the actual cause of bipolar episodes. This therapy helps to monitor the activity level of an individual and teaches how to manage stress and deal with upcoming negative situations.

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): Dialectical behaviour therapy is a skill-based therapy for patients who experience intense emotions. This therapy focuses on helping people to accept the reality of their lives and behaviours. It teaches mindful and acceptance skills, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.  

Family-focused therapy: Another form of talk therapy which helps in improving the relationship among the family members. Each session of this therapy focuses on identifying its causes, how to identify the early signs, and what to do as a family member to prevent the condition from getting worse.


The doctor may recommend you make lifestyle changes to stop the behaviour pattern that may worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Some of the lifestyle changes may include;

Quitting alcohol: If you are consuming alcohol and taking other harmful substances like tobacco you need to stop it. This is because these substances can interfere with your medications and they can even worsen your symptoms.

Keep track of your daily thoughts: You need to keep track of your daily thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This helps you to identify what triggers the depressive situation and you can be aware whether the treatment is working or not.

Maintain sleep: Bipolar disorder can impact your sleeping pattern and change your frequency of sleep. This is why you need to make a routine for your sleeping schedule and try to follow it every day.

Exercise: As bipolar disorder causes weight gain you need to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. This activity helps you to improve your mental health and mood and helps you to manage other symptoms of bipolar disorder.


Bipolar disorder causes intense mood swings which hamper your daily aspects of life. To manage the symptoms of this disease you can visit a hospital for bipolar disorder treatment in Siliguri. The treatment includes medications like mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medicines. Therapies like talk therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, dialectical behaviour therapy, and family-focused therapy are given to deal with stress, anxiety, and other mental conditions. Lifestyle changes like tracking your daily thoughts, maintaining sleep, and exercising are necessary to deal with the symptoms of this disorder. 

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