How To Track Your Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

How To Track Your Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Traumatic life experiences, genetics, poor nutrition, any injury in the head, and substance use can increase your chances of mental health issues. One of the most common yet chronic conditions that you may develop is bipolar disorder which is also known as manic depression. In this condition, you experience recurrent episodes of mania and depression such as low mood and extremely elevated mood which can last for a few days or even several weeks. If you’re currently experiencing any of the symptoms of this disorder then immediately contact a mental health professional and get bipolar disorder treatment in Siliguri. 

Managing the distressing symptoms of this disorder is highly important to prevent severe or end-stage bipolar disorder when you start experiencing psychotic symptoms. Herein, along with medications, counselling sessions, and therapies, the doctor may also advise you on certain self-help strategies to track the symptoms of the disorder. This is an important step to ensure long-term management of the severe mood swings associated with the disorder. However, before starting the tracking methods, it is vital for you to consult the doctor and identify the key symptoms of bipolar disorder. 

Understanding The Main Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder 

To track the symptoms, you must have a proper knowledge of the signs of bipolar disorder. Some of the symptoms that you may experience if you’re suffering from a hypomania or manic episode are feeling distorted, increased energy, distraction, poor decision-making, and unusual talkativeness. On the other hand, these symptoms may change if you are undergoing a major depressive episode.

In such cases, your symptoms will include loss of interest, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, sleeplessness, and feeling restless. You must know that tracking these signs at an early stage can help you control the symptoms on your own. If it doesn’t get better over time then without any delay schedule an appointment with one of the best doctors for bipolar disorder in Siliguri.

Effective Strategies To Track Bipolar Disorder Symptoms 

  • Track the sleeping patterns 
Your mood and sleep are hugely connected and while tracking the symptoms to ensure bipolar stability, you need to monitor your sleeping patterns. Herein, you can start tracking your sleep by recording the number of hours you’re sleeping and the sleep and wake-up cycle. It is also vital to note down any intermittent naps that you take throughout the day. Don’t forget to record the quality of the sleep along with the quantity. 
  • Maintain a mood chart 
One of the best ways to track bipolar symptoms is to maintain a mood chart. You can search online and down some authentic mood chart templates and then use those to document your mood states daily. Making this a habit will help you identify any fluctuations in mood that can lead to manic or depressive episodes. Along with fluctuations, this is also a great method to identify the associated triggers so that you can curate a strategy to prevent bipolar episodes. 
  • Keep a record of your treatments 
While tracking the symptoms, it is also important for you to keep track of your treatment and medications. Herein, you can follow a regular chart to note down the dosage and timing of the medications that are related or not related to bipolar disorder. You must also note down any additional sleep or pain medications you’re taking occasionally. This step will help you and the doctor to understand whether the day-to-day mood fluctuations are caused by any medications or not. 
  • Note down all the social stressors and major life events 
Your daily life events can take a heavy toll on your mood which can influence a bipolar episode. This is why you should never forget to note down any minor or major life changes such as quitting a job, a sudden fight with your partner, being stuck in traffic, or a change in working hours. The main purpose of this method is to determine a connection between the sudden mood changes and any social stressors or changes. 
  • Try to maintain a social rhythm chart
Another effective self-tracking strategy that you can follow to track bipolar symptoms is to maintain a social rhythm chart. An interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (ISRT) chart is an all-inclusive format that helps you to track your exercising, eating, socializing, and sleeping habits together. Through this method, you can determine the change in your mood due to certain lifestyle issues so that you can maintain a proper schedule and prevent bipolar episodes.
  • Stick to a consistent routine  
Undergoing bipolar disorder treatment in Siliguri alone cannot resolve your condition. To manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder, you need to follow a consistent routine. A well-regulated routine can work wonders in ensuring mood stability and proper management of bipolar symptoms. If you experience any behavioural or mood changes in your daily life despite following a fixed routine then seek help from a professional. 
  • Practice maintaining a daily journal 
Journaling not only plays a major role in dealing with anxiety and stress but it can also be beneficial for tracking bipolar symptoms. Herein, you can make it a habit to note down everything you did throughout the day and whether you have experienced any mood changes or not. This is why it is always advised to practice therapeutic writing so that you can use it as documentation for mood tracking and finding emotional balance. 
  • Identify the main triggers 
Initially, the mood swings associated with bipolar disorder may begin suddenly but over time, you may start witnessing a specific pattern. There are various triggers that can lead to bipolar episodes. Herein, it is vital for you to identify such triggers so that you can detect the signs of an upcoming manic or depressive episode. This is why along with focusing on the shifts in your mood, you must also check for any changes in concentration levels, sleep patterns, alcohol usage, energy levels, and sex drive. 
  • Be honest and consistent 
For effective and accurate tracking of bipolar symptoms, you need to be both honest and consistent. Herein, you must make the tracking method a habit where you must determine the symptoms daily or at least several times in a week. This is an important step to get precise results about mood fluctuations. Remember that while acknowledging the symptoms, you need to be honest about your feelings, emotions, and thoughts so that nothing is missed during the evaluation.

If you have found a specific pattern of the bipolar symptoms but don’t know how to manage it then contact a specialist and look for the best bipolar disorder treatment in Siliguri. While treating you, the doctor will evaluate and review your mood-tracking results so that a personalized treatment plan can be tailored for improved outcomes. 

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